Our Latest Stories and Pieces!

Why Human Cloning is Unethical and Biologically Dangerous

Alex points out the flaws of the cloning system and shares his thoughts on what ethical problems arise from an institution that promotes it.

Alex Liao

Documentary: Stem Stigma

Atif takes to the cameras to capture the social stigma around students pursuing post-secondary education. He sheds light on the fact that pursuing work in the trades or arts industry can be just as enlightening and a better fit for some students.

Atif Mahmud

What's Zach doing?

To be honest, we don't really know. We assume he's out and about busy with trivia and science but we are unsure. I'm sure he'll come around to writing an article eventually, but until then it's just the two we have currently...

Zachary Trefler

You don't want to say it's education ...
but it’s education.

This week's FlowBoat: Education

There couldn't be a better way to start off a blog dedicated to the absent minded thoughts of the average teenager, than a theme week on education. The goal is to produce a short editorial on your opinions about the education system that you currently go to school in: what's good, bad, deplorable and lovely about the things you slave away your life doing every day. Make sure to join our mailing list and subscribe to our LINK THIS:(Youtube Channel) to keep up to date, because on Thursday we release a short documentary featuring interviews with students and teachers you may know on the state of post-secondary stigma.

By the way, many thanks to Alex Liao for our first submission!

Why Human Cloning is Unethical and Biologically Dangerous

So, on the outside, cloning appears to be a good thing. We can easily create humans, perform medical research, and potentially use them for blood and organ donations. However, this poses a lot of ethics issues and also biological hazards.

Firstly, it is difficult to determine ethically when the clone is considered to be “alive”, able to make its own choices, and deserving of all human rights. Because it is created mechanically and not born naturally, it is difficult to gauge when it can be considered to be “alive”.